AG&P expands small-scale LNG tech portfolio

A bit more than 10 years ago I crisscrossed the Gulf of Guinea trying to find a way to get some LNG for our commitment at the GATE terminal. LNG was more like unobtainium at the time. Yes, I know how silly this sounds but in LNG we tend to have long memories. Anyway, what struck me was the myriads of gas flares in the GOG. It was clear to me that collecting all this gas would be a challenge but maybe some sources are big enough to fill a mid-scale liquefier and then the LNG gets collected at a central point for intercontinental transport. Yes, it has a price but when LNG is at USD 16, creativity takes a boost. I called it Bulk Make. Bulk Break existed at the time but only as a very exotic, custom made solution. its time this goes mainstream. AG&P does some pretty darn interesting stuff. I commend them.

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