Here we go. The Commission wants to make renewable’s appear less expensive than they really are. At the same time we get fed completely nonsensical news-articles that renewable’s are the cheapest energy source now. They are blatantly lying – not that we would not feel the effects of their fraud. Germany’s ratepayers carry the second highest electricity prices on earth in order to keep them alive. Just try to question their lies, and they are not shy to paint you as an enemy of mankind and a child murderer. They lie and the one who points that fact out is the bad one. That’s where we are now. Ratepayers in Europe are patient folks and can be tormented for a long time, but when they crack under the weight of it all, they will don yellow vests and show the government what they think at election day. Still wondering why populists win elections? You are liars, and we don’t believe you anymore. Here is your reason.

John Constable of the Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) claims the EU Commission climate policy report contains a “substantive error”, miscalculating the cost of annual levies on UK consumers by £4.8 billion.

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