Green New Deal fantasy-nightmare: Dems show true colors in 0 vote

I guess they smell how incredibly destructive this GND really is. That alone would not bring them back from the brink. They fear that a majority of the people will start to find out what a hoax they are peddling in order to skim the cream. That would be disastrous for them as it would put a giant question mark on their livelihoods and that’s something they are not prepared to let go. They would rather take another Trump term (its almost unavoidable anyhow) than having to demonstrate wht they keep saying us. Green bubble time is not over yet, but it has huge cracks. Cracks that are self-inflicted. Showtime …

It turns out that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’sOpens a New Window. Green New Deal (GND) isn’t so popular after all. In a SenateOpens a New Window. resolution vote this week, not one senator– not even the Senate bill’s chief sponsor Ed Markey, D-Mass. — voted in favor of it.

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