What Stacks are
A stack is a series of modules that are arranged one after the other in a logical sequence in order to produce a course pattern that allows us to achieve our objectives. OK, that’s not really clear.
In other words, you can stack up modules like you can stack up pancakes. The bigger your appetite for knowledge and training is, the bigger your stack may be.
The real magic lies in the flexible nature of the modules. You might say that you like a certain workshop – lets take 3 days “Money and Law” but instead of financing you would like to zoom in on capacity agreements. Easy fix – we take the financing module(s) out and put in more on capacity contracts. See the full list of modules for more.
As all modules are exactly 110 minutes, there is no consequence for switching them out as long as the total number of modules remains the same. Yes, this means that you can compose your own workshop and stack the modules up as high as you like to.
The taller the stack – the longer the course lasts and the more detail we can work through.
There are 3 standard stack heights with a prearranged structure available. If you are fine with one of them you can pull the trigger right now. If – on the other side – you want to do your own thing: WELCOME.
The Short Stack
The short stack is a 6-hour course that has been conceived with those who have no more than a cursory interest in LNG in mind. Each of the 3 classic courses I have developed exists as a Short Stack. All the exotic courses exist only as a short Stack. As time is limited, those events are organized as a fast-paced series of lectures of just the essentials.
There are two toilet breaks of 15 minutes each, and they are clocked. No food or drink are served, but I will keep you hydrated with still water and salt crackers. The six hours are really quick and intense frontal talk.
The course fee per participant is $ 380.- for a course that is stacked the short way.
The Regular Stack
This is my core course format. Groups in such settings are small so communication back and forth flows easily. There is a lot of customization possible, so I can concentrate on what’s most important to you. Also, I am going to work the group through some practical examples of whatever is the topic of the workshop.
This workshop format requires you to stay for 3 or more days which is why lunch is always included. Any topic worked during one of those workshops will be worked in a lot of details to make sure you really understand the detailed, inner workings.
The course fee per participant is USD 2.700.- for a course stacked the regular way.
The Tall Stack
At times, one needs to go a little further and apply what was learned in extensive “real world” exercises. In the Tall Stack, you will not only learn concepts but also harden them in exercise. This course involves more than just listening.
Two core modules will be expanded to double the original time so there is more time for the fine print of some contracts that will change beyond today’s drafts. There is ample time for discussion on even hairiest topics and I also throw in two half-day exercises which are designed to reinforce learned concepts.
The course fee per participant is USD 3.900.- for a course stacked tall.