These Obscure ‘Advisors’ Are Hurting America’s Energy Security

Every large scale project in the energy world (except renewables) is accompanied by an army of leeches that only want to suck its lifeblood. It raises the cost of projects by very substantial amounts and puts the timeline in jeopardy for no tangible value created. For nobody – except the leeches that have a great life off the money ratepayers must then cough up in order to pay for the ballooned project cost. It’s filthy …

Government bureaucracy isn’t the only obstacle standing in the way of energy security, job creation, and economic growth. Every now and then, businesses encounter roadblocks that have been set by other actors in the private sector. In recent years, a number of energy producers — along with businesses from other industries — have been beset with challenges created by so-called proxy advisory firms. These entities help environmental activists achieve through financial means what they have not — and cannot — achieve through normal and legitimate political means.

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