Tag Archive for: LNG projects

Distributed electricity Generation with LNG

This blog post was written a long time ago and it was sort of…

US shale to the Caribbean

In 2005, the Natural Gas world looked at North America to become…

When will US LNG Terminals switch off

Now that even the most bull-headed traders have understood that…

An Eastern Mediterranean LNG hub

More than 2000 years ago, before the dawn of the Roman Empire,…

LNG in South Africa

The new situation we have with comparatively cheaper LNG is sharpening…

The first German LNG terminal

Looking at the North Western European coastlines one can see…

Floating Regasification – a reality check

Many years ago, an old sea bear and a good friend told me that…

Pakistan – the manacled LNG player

The last 12 months have seen 3 new LNG consumers added to the…

A rude awakening for NWE regasification terminal customers and operators

In the dying days of 2008, a bunch of renegade gas players congregated…

Iranian LNG for Europe – reality or pipe dream?

Since my earliest days in LNG, I have lived with the specter…

Why pigs should not sing

After nearly a decade in LNG, I tend to believe that I should…

Ragnarok for oil sellers – and you thought the mayhem is over

All those interested in Norse mythology (I am sure there are…

Dealing with Russia – what makes sense for European gas

It is hard to ignore Russia in today’s newscast and even those…

The Danube river – from backwater to energy artery

Some days ago I met an old couple from Düsseldorf on the tram.…

Lessons from Shtokman

While the world was having a beauty sleep an earth moving event sent ripples through the Barents Sea - and made the infantile dreams of the classical energy monopolist in Europe (trust me - they are still an abundant species but they have learned to don the market gloves) a little less sweaty.

Dancing stars with hippos – flex for regas

LNG regasification has been a no-business for pretty much all of its history. The terminal owners/operators are pretty happy with this state of affairs as their life was real simple so far. Dont move and take in guaranteed returns - that was the mantra. All this will have to change if the LNG industry is serious about going normal.

Beating the megatrains – the nimble revolution

LNG has been a history of ever larger liquefaction trains. It all culminated in the construction of the Qatari supertrains. One of those monsters is able to satisfy the needs of more than the entire gas consumption of a small country such as Austria. But do they make economic sense?

LNG from the US – between drivel and miracle drug

Does anyone still remember the US LNG import adventure? Seems to be a long way off. Today, everyone talks about the US becoming a huge LNG exporter. Asia of course looks like a big nice ice cream on a hot summer day to a distressed LNG terminal operator. But there is also big competition on this premium LNG buying region.

Give to get – a winning way in LNG

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. We all know the quote from Einstein. But that's what happens in LNG all the time. Here is an alternative proposal.

Business Development in Natural Gas – get the Frontschwein out

Business Developers have to become a Frontschwein in order to face the challenges of the European Natural Gas business. That's no easy feat for companies that are still pretty monopolistic - and stiff - in spirit.

LNG in the Black Sea – a pipedream?

The Ukraine has a LNG problem. It’s a major blunder and it looks like LNG in the region is doomed. As strange as it sounds, there might be a bright future for LNG in the Black Sea still.

Are your contacts worth anything in LNG business development?

Those well-connected are supposed to be the magic cure to a rotten LNG portfolio. They are not so important, after all.

LNG supply for Asia – fighting the Hydra

New Asian LNG buyers (outside the JKT and China) have a problem. They are perceived to be in the “I will pay any price for LNG” club by sellers. Many of them face vastly different situations from each other in their home markets. Not an enviable position but one that can be dealt with.

LNG cost blowout – Black Mamba bites

Sky-high CAPEX plus cost overruns and a fundamental shift in…

LNG from Africa

The combination of LNG and Africa has always been regarded with…

LNG – the Black Mamba principle

LNG projects are on the expensive side but some are more expensive…