Tag Archive for: Oil price

Why we could see less than 30 USD oil again – part 2

Last week we have seen that there is more and more oil coming…

Why we could see less than 30 USD oil again – part 1

So, OPEC has met and decided that the world is good as it is…

What would happen to OPEC if it won the oil price war

We are living in weird times. OPEC floods the market with crude…

How anarchy works for shale oil

It's a bit obscene - for years we have watched the meteoric rise…

My lost 28 USD oil price wager

In June 2014, I made a wager with a friend (here is the full…

Why there won’t be a rush for Iranian oil investments – just now

Poor Iranians are really in bad luck. Or are they? Their agreement…

My 28 Dollar WTI wager

In July 2014 I made a wager. I said that before March 2016 (don’t…

Ragnarok for oil sellers – and you thought the mayhem is over

All those interested in Norse mythology (I am sure there are…

The real reason for the (so called) low oil price

So we have lived through the last OPEC meeting in Vienna holding…

Where is the oil-price headed?

If one does a long-term project, one needs good forecasts. But…

80 USD oil is not cheap

I am feeling a little like in a warp bubble - don't you? Browsing…

Tag Archive for: Oil price

Saudi Arabia Threatens To Drop Dollar For Oil Trades

Regardless of how positively or negatively one might be inclined…