Geopolitics of the Global Energy Transition

It’s a paradoxon – China adds more clean energy manufacturing capacity than any other country on earth and their own country is such a mess that people are literally dying in the streets because of the pollution. It’s hard to find places that are as toxic and filthy as many sites in China are. China has wrecked its own country and cleaning up the mess might cost more than its jittery economy is able to handle. Let’s come clean about this (I like the pun): China produces so called clean energy equipment for export and its doing so by killing its own environment for the sake of cash flow. And the environmentalists stand by, clap and are jubilant. What a big ugly lie …

Last week the Global Commission on the Geopolitics of Energy Transition at the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) released their report outlining the extent to which renewable energy, storage technology, and increased electrification are likely to disrupt the existing geopolitical world order.

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