NGVA Europe promotes technology neutrality in European Parliament

Technology neutrality – most Austrian politicians use that phrase just to say with the next one which technology they actually prefer. We are far from technology neutrality. We should strive for results and support that rather than coddling technologies we have chosen making them monsters in the process. Competition among cleantech, that’s what we need. But public authorities should not pick technologies.

Organized by NGVA Europe and hosted by MEP Adina-Ioana Vălean, chair of the ENVI Committee of the European Parliament, the lunch event ‘Securing technology neutrality in the CO2 standards Regulations’ took place on September 5. Ahead of the final vote in the ENVI Committee on the CO2 standards for passenger cars proposal and upcoming debate on the related file for Heavy Duty Vehicle, MEP Adina-Ioana Vălean together with NGVA Europe Secretary General Andrea Gerini and Dr. Björn Fredriksson Möller, Business Development Analyst at E.ON, discussed how to ensure Technology Neutrality and the Circular Economy thanks to the use of natural gas and biomethane in mobility.

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