The real Russian ‘conspiracy’ is happening in the energy sector

There is a lingering and longtime suspicion that Russia secretly funds environmental groups in Europe in order to make them block virtually all big-ticket energy infrastructure projects except renewables. they know that renewables need backup and the best backup is Natural Gas. This makes Europe more dependent on Russian gas deliveries. Strangely, one of the German LNG import projects is already beset by massive opposition from a Green group. The same group keeps mum on North Stream 2. Oh, on the US North East it would be enough if someone applied for exemption from Jones Act so US LNG could be sent there. It’s not going to happen while thinking of it. Action …

Radical House Democrats, led by freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., is clamoring to impeach President Trump. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., started calling for impeachment two weeks after Trump was inaugurated.

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