Despite renewables mandate more than 80% of California energy needs met using fossil fuels

82%? I just saw Arnold Schwarzenegger on Austrian TV claiming that California had exceeded 25% renewable energy 2018. What is it now? Is the data fake or is the terminator blatantly lying? Never mind that Arnold emits more CO2 for every flight between California and Austria than most average people he wants to lecture in many months of normal life. He has the environmental footprint of a dinosaur and wants to be a moral example. If CO2 really killed the planet (which I think is bogus), people like Arnold would be the foremost planet killers. Instead, the gullible masses hang on his lips and swallow his every utterance. Idiots really …

California Governor Brown signed Executive Order B-55-18 last year further modifying the states reduced carbon energy targets by mandating a year 2045 goal where the state’s energy use must achieve zero emission capability and be carbon neutral.

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