Merkel Cabinet Approves $45 Billion in Aid for Coal Regions

That’s a sad comedy that’s going into its next act. It’s like those pieces that are supposed to be funny, but they try so hard that nobody can laugh anymore. Germany not only puts money it does not have anymore into intermittent energy that will not give you what you need when you need it but rather give you what it wants at any time of the day regardless if that suits you or not. It puts further money into backup systems that could run the show all alone for far less money but are paid to stand idle for long stretches just in order to kick into action when wind and solar decide to call it a day. It has to put colossal investments into upgrading grids in order to warm electrical lines all over the countries so that the overhang on one side can be stretched over to the other side of the country (what happened to local supply lines) and now they pay people to learn professions they are most likely too old for, so they will end up in welfare no matter how much money is wasted, just in order to dismantle the system that had guaranteed Germany’s welfare for so long and also to dismantle the cleanest coal plants on the planet. Sad …

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cabinet approved an aid package worth as much as 40 billion euros ($44.7 billion) by 2038 for the nation’s coal regions, launching a drive to transform chimney-stack economies into high-tech centers.

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