The ridiculous reason New York faces a gas shortage

America needs those beacon cities in order to show the rest of the country whee radicalism gets you. Its not like people and money have no feet, they can move, and they often do with astonishing speed. When those protesters start to complain about sky-high energy prices and few options (and believe me they will feel the sting very badly) they need to be served their own hubris. Over and over again. When I was a soldier there was a motto: You either get smarter or you get miserable. It’s up to you. Most of us smartened up real quick – the alternative was not pleasant. Let’s see how long it takes for New Yorkers to smarten up.

Imagine: The biggest, most important city in America, cut off from new supplies of natural gas vital to its growth. Fact is, such a nightmare could be just a couple of weeks off.

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