What Elon Musk Is Selling: Hope

When I was heading Business development for an energy trading company I had to dive into a new world. My style of Business development is very hands on, making contacts, dreaming up projects, business cases, acid testing them, being the entrepreneur of the company. But in a true trading company, I had to deal with people that gave everything a value. Cold, emotionless, calculating, honed for winning more than losing. One of the most important things I learned was that hope is a shit sandwich. Looks nice but leaves a nasty taste in your mouth, no matter what side you start to eat it from. Hope means you don’t have an educated opinion. Hope panders to our insecurities It unduly extends the life of a rotten position and cuts a winning one short because hope replaces knowledge. If hope is all that Elon has – they are doomed.

I don’t have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad …

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