ExxonMobil backs LNG imports to world’s biggest exporter

In the Persian Gulf, exporters of LNG and importers of the stuff live side by side, often only 100km apart from each other. Abu Dhabi is an exporter but it also imports LNG. Same for Malaysia. Or the US in fact. Why would it be such a miracle if Australia also turned importer/exporter? When transporting LNG is cheaper than building a pipeline then go for LNG. The regulatory long tail is a cost factor and when this long tail prevents a pipeline from being built, then LNG is cheaper. LNG gives you flexibility – on both sides.

Imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Australia – the world’s biggest LNG exporter – now appear “highly realistic” as the country struggles to fill a looming gas shortage, U.S. energy giant Exxon Mobil Corp said on Thursday.

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