Could The Comoros be a base for hydrocarbon products to Africa

Everyone holds his breath as one of the most important hydrocarbon…

The Energy Industrial Complex is dead

Who remembers what's this on the picture above. That's right,…

World – meet Methanumorphosis

It's almost 9 years ago that I was asked to perform an in-company…

The end of diesel

This article was written in summer 2015, before the break of…

Drowning in LPG

Anyone checking regularly on the oil price must blush from time…

Fighting the wrong war

It’s a staple of the green movement. CO2 is bad for the planet.…

The end of the oil price cycle

Since my very earliest days in the Natural Gas business, I have…

Are diesel emissions a human rights violation?

The European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) was born on September…

Unpredictable energy markets – or just the turn of the architect

In the second installment of the famous Matrix trilogy, Neo meets…

Persian gas for the emerging Gulf gas market

One of the first assignments I had, when I joined the gas world,…

LNG in Africa – LNG is not a rich man’s fuel

I have been writing about LNG in Africa for years now. Remember?…

For our children – and ourselves

It's more than 3 years now that I have been fighting for some…

In the crosshairs – how diesel makes us mutants

We all believe that protecting the environment around us is something…

Use it or lose it for African flares

Africa - just like many other regions on Earth - suffers…

The great EURO 6 scam

Now it's official. Since September 1st this year, all new diesel…

Microbial Coal Conversion – putting lignite coal to good use

Good ideas are born incredibly frequently and it’s even more…

My 28 Dollar WTI wager

In July 2014 I made a wager. I said that before March 2016 (don’t…

Cold energy – how Stirling can help energy efficiency

Who knows what a Stirling engine is? Most of us won’t. Well,…

Is your energy job safe?

A couple of days ago I had a conversation with a trader friend…

Is shale a blessing in disguise for OPEC

How many times have I written about the implications of shale…

LPG in Africa – may the games commence

It is difficult not to be stunned by what happens in energy nowadays.…

Don’t try to avoid the F-word in LNG

There is a German saying. He, who does a voyage, shall have stories…

Iranian LNG for Europe – reality or pipe dream?

Since my earliest days in LNG, I have lived with the specter…

Why pigs should not sing

After nearly a decade in LNG I tend to believe that I should…

Is the Nigerian fuel crisis the mother of energy opportunities?

The news about the current Nigerian fuels crisis is already spreading…

Micro generation – the next African mobile phone revolution

When I was exposed to Sub-Saharan Africa for the first time in…

OPEC’s catch 22

This is not my first post on the current oil price dilemma and…

Could the Emirates be to the Middle Eastern gas market what the UK was to European one

In the mid Nineties, the UK transformed its gas market unleashing liberalization.…

Was shale a frackin bubble?

Those who have spent the last 10 years in oil and gas were in…

The third reign of life – clean energy from another realm

Most of us will remember from our time at school that life divides…

AGRI and a new energy future for the Black Sea region

2011 I was briefly involved in a project called AGRI - the Azerbaijan,…

How to beat chicken and egg in LNG bunkering

Just imagine it’s Christmas but nobody is there. That’s a…

Ragnarok for oil sellers – and you thought the mayhem is over

All those interested in Norse mythology (I am sure there are…

The real reason for the (so called) low oil price

So we have lived through the last OPEC meeting in Vienna holding…

The Pharaoh dimension – LNG in Egypt

One in 3 Arabs worldwide lives on the banks of the Nile river?…

Evolution in the LNG garden

Modern man with all his marvels is roaming the planet because…

Alaska LNG – no lessons learned from Australia

There is something exciting up in the north. Its big, it’s…

Where is the oil-price headed?

If one does a long-term project, one needs good forecasts. But…

LNG, CNG and electric vehicles – what’s doing what

I cannot remember how many times I had the issue on the table.…

80 USD oil is not cheap

I am feeling a little like in a warp bubble - don't you? Browsing…

The last wonderland for LPG and condensate exporters

The world of those who trade liquefied gasses and light condensate…

The real hybrid car – not just a Prius

Since Toyota has bequeathed the Prius on us, all eyes are on…

The demise of the dinosaurs – some parallels

65 million years ago, dinosaurs ruled the planet. They had conquered…

Peak everything is bullshit – how about peak idiots

It's incredible how some old, bad ideas linger on in human minds…

The smart grid lie – why the real smart grid will blow your mind

Already in 2008, Smart Grids were all the rage. Everything was…

How about lunar strawberries?

Humanity is capable of astonishing feats from making atoms visible to landing probes on saturnian moons. In business though, there are limits of what should be done - or not.

Use LNG or lose money – the example of Iran

Let me give you some figures straight. Iran consumes a little…

The unholy alliance

In September 1815, 3 leading powers of the 19th century Europe…

FLNG – great technology, wrong business model

This blog is almost two years old now and I have been asked multiple…

We must get off Russian gas – and it’s not because of Putin or Ukraine

News on another potential Russian gas crisis is galore. Not a…

No filter will save us – particulate matter kills

Anyone knowing this blog and me sure knows the rationale. Diesel…

The true price of LNG

Multiple times since I have turned into the Pitbull, I have faced…

Dealing with Russia – what makes sense for European gas

It is hard to ignore Russia in today’s newscast and even those…

The Danube river – from backwater to energy artery

Some days ago I met an old couple from Düsseldorf in the tram.…

The shape of things to come – Methanopolis

Robert Kennedy said in a 1966 Cape town speech "There is a Chinese…

LNG startup companies and the investors game

No cash - no business. That’s stone old wisdom. Any LNG venture…

The value of bad news – only good news is toxic

Too much good news can kill an otherwise perfectly healthy project as it raises a lot of alarm bells. Those problems are not to be taken lightly and need careful planning and constant calibrating of the project. But denying that it’s there is not going to make things better as educated partners, customers, officials and investors will not miss out on it.

Forget hydrogen – here comes biomethane

Hydrogen is often being touted the final solution to all our problems with vehicles and pollution. It does not produce CO2 (at least not directly) and for that fact alone its the darling of the tree huggers. But reality - as so very often - is much more complex. On balance hydrogen is not really the stuff you want in your tank and it comes at a very heavy price.

Why shale is good for mankind but bad for the US

But America needs to fix its addiction to easy money and the current crisis could have been the best thing happening to the country in a long while for its curative properties. Its going to be bluntet by the shale gas boom as this puts new easy money at the fingertips of politicians.