Entries by Rudolf Huber

LNG supply for Asia – fighting the Hydra

New Asian LNG buyers (outside the JKT and China) have a problem. They are perceived to be in the “I will pay any price for LNG” club by sellers. Many of them face vastly different situations from each other in their home markets. Not an enviable position but one that can be dealt with.

“Sandy” and the power of distributed power generation

Superstorm Sandy has blackened out large parts of the American East coast. Electricity generation was not the problem but rather power lines on wooden poles. Distributed generation offers a solution. We all have followed the news on super-storm Sandy while it laid waste to a large swathe of the American North Eastern Seaboard. This time New York […]

OMV’s Roiss speaks out for shale

OMV’s Gerhard Roiss makes the case for shale gas in Europe. He is right as Europe needs the resource and cannot allow itself to fall behind. I was planning to have a post on shale gas for Europe in December but current news pushed me to this one. Those who know me will not be […]

LNG cost blowout – Black Mamba bites

Sky-high CAPEX plus cost overruns and a fundamental shift in the LNG market mean trouble for some LNG projects. Some will scratch by but I bet there will be a couple of very high profile failures. Just a couple of days ago I have used the Black Mamba metaphor for LNG CAPEX cost explosion and we are handed […]

LNG sellers will become more like widget makers

High fuel prices have caused the shale gas boom and there is no end in sight. When the dust settles, sheer entrepreneurial forces will have transformed the planet. The golden age of gas is just about to begin. The EIA predicts that the US will be the biggest oil producer worldwide by 2020. And by […]

Mr. Obama, could this be your LNG term?

Mr. Obama – you are in your second term now. There is an entrepreneurial spirit under the Natural Gas hood. Being friends with them will help America a lot. Congratulations Mr. Obama, Now that the celebrations are over – back to work. And there is one item that is dear to us Natural Gas fans. […]

The tone here

LNG has a mystery reputation. This is undeserved. This blog is here to shed light on some of the issues. Many points are mere opinions. You are invited to discuss and disagree if you do so. To those new to it, LNG must be a bedeviled business. As soon as someone just feels confident enough […]

LNG from Africa

The combination of LNG and Africa has always been regarded with awe. The continent certainly is challenging in many respects. But it’s also incredibly rewarding. LNG is a topic that gives most energy professionals cold shivers. I cover the reasons for that in other articles. It gets really crazy when LNG is combined with the […]

LNG Supply

Willing LNG buyers in Europe look at a bleak supply picture. There are not too many opportunities. That does not mean that they all do what should be done in such a situation. It’s THE big issue out there for many players and frankly, it’s the one I have decided to hang my coat onto. […]

LNG – the Black Mamba principle

LNG projects are on the expensive side but some are more expensive than others. Some players act as if the sky is the limit. That’s not true. Let me borrow a quote from the movie Kill Bill. “In Africa, the saying goes, in the bush, an elephant can kill you, a leopard can kill you, […]

LNG – killer app for diesel

LNG is the fuel of this century. Its clean, its feedstock is abundant and its cleaner than any other hydrocarbon. Perfect conditions to dethrone king diesel. This is my first post so I want to keep it short and sweet. I want to make this a blog on LNG as I believe that LNG is […]